On Friday 20 May 2005 22:55, Nick Rout wrote:
> Read the Fine Manual

Which "Fine Manual" are we talking about here for kde and where might it be 

> set the DISPLAYMANAGER=kdm line in /etc/rc.conf
> then
> rc-update add xdm boot
> /etc/init.d/xdm start
> On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 19:09 -0700, cfk wrote:
> > Thank you for the help on "keepwork". Next question.
> >
> > My computer has spend the day emerging kde.
> >
> > The function 'startx' does work with 'twm'.
> >
> > So, I can test kde before changing /etc/X11/initrc/xinitrc from 'twm &'
> > to 'kde &", what is a good way to do that?
> >
> > Charles
> --

I've set in /etc/rc.conf DISPLAYMANAGER=kdm and invoked 'rc-update add xdm 
boot'. I have also created (in /root) an .xinitrc with startkde in it as 
mentioned in a previous post last night.

When I reboot the computer, I now get a slightly different version of twm but 
no kde.

I can invoke some kde programs such as kwrite, khexedit and all their widgets 
are rendering, so I think I am very close, but not quite able to get kde to 
startup in Gentoo yet.

Some suggestions on areas to look would be appreciated.

Charles Krinke
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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