Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
>>Haim Ashkenazi wrote:
>>>Your problem seems to be in CMFPhoto. somehow it tries to list files in
>>>'/root' and it fails because it doesn't have permissions. either it's a
>>>configuration problem, or it's a bug (I see that both zope and plone
>>>you've installed are testing versions).
>>If this is a clean install, why would CMFPhoto be looking for stuff in
>>/root (which would need LocalFS or something; makes sense to store lots
>>of photos on the OS filesystem)?
>>Patrick: are you transfering a Data.fs from a previous Zope/Plone
>> mailing list
> No its a clean install.

Well, then the question is, why is CMFPhoto looking in /root? It's no
surprise it doesn't have the permissions.

Ok, let's look at the source and try to puzzle it out:

>   File "/var/lib/zope/zope-2.7.6/Products/CMFPhoto/", line 20, in ?
>     from imageengine import isPilAvailable, isConvertAvailable
>   File "/var/lib/zope/zope-2.7.6/Products/CMFPhoto/", line 46, 
> in ?
>     isConvertAvailable = findConvert()
>   File "/var/lib/zope/zope-2.7.6/Products/CMFPhoto/", line 35, 
> in findConvert
>     if convert in [ entry.lower() for entry in os.listdir(path) ]:
> OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root'

CMFPhoto is initializing and wants to know if there is a conversion
program available, so it looks along the system path. The error is
evoked with the code:

>      23 def findConvert():
>      24     """try to find the convert utility in the search path
>      25     """
>      26     if sys.platform == 'win32':
>      27         convert = 'convert.exe'
>      28     else:
>      29         convert = 'convert'
>      30
>      31     envPath = os.environ['PATH']
>      32     syspath = [p for p in envPath.split(os.pathsep) ]
>      33     for path in syspath:
>      34         if os.path.isdir(path):
>      35             if convert in [ entry.lower() for entry in 
> os.listdir(path) ]:
>      36                 LOG('CMFPhoto', DEBUG, 'ImageMagick found', 'The 
> ImageMagick \
>      37 convert tool was found at %s in your search path.' % path)
>      38                 return True
>      39
>      40     LOG('CMFPhoto', PROBLEM, 'ImageMagick not found', 'The 
> ImageMagick \
>      41         convert tool wasn\'t found in your search path: %s' % envPath)
>      42     return False

The problem is in line 35. Evidently "/root" is in the search path
(lines 31-32). Is "/root" in your environment? ('echo $PATH') It
shouldn't be. Executables should not be kept there. That's what
/usr/local is for.

I just checked the ebuild for CMFPhoto, and ImageMagick is not required.
So it looks like the search path is the real problem. It should not be
looking for '/root'. If '/root' is in the search path, remove it.

If '/root/' is not in your $PATH, then, as I see it at this point,
you've got two choices:

1. using zprod-manager and remove CMFPhoto from the instance. then
restart zope and see if you get any new error messages. Do this if you
need Plone up more than CMFPhoto.


2. *temporarily* change permissions on /root to get zope up and running
and then look at the CMFPhoto configuration; change the default
directory and then change the /root permissions back to what they were.

Since it's quick I would do (2) and then if that didn't work, go to (1).


"Good boy, Dex!"
  -- Joseph "Sky Captain" Sullivan
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