Steven Susbauer wrote:
> Walter Dnes wrote:
>>   I'm trying to do a stage 1 install on an old 400 mhz PII with 128 megs
>> of RAM for use as an experimental server.  Compile options are sane...
>> -O2 -march=i686 -fomit-frame-pointer -mmmx -pipe
>> I'm having extreme problems getting past...  "emerge --emptytree system"
>> at chapter 6.d of the online install docs at
>> and will
>> probably attempt a stage 3 install next time, just to bypass it, unless
>> somebody can come up with a quick-n-dirty solution to my problems soon.
> Isn't a P2 i586? I've never gotten a 686 build to work on mine.
> I'm also not seeing -mmmx as a valid compile option, either on Gentoo
> Wiki or the GCC optimization listings. Maybe it is and I'm just not
> finding it, but you could try removing that one and seeing if it makes a
> difference.

A P2 is a i686. Anything upward (including) of a Pentium Pro is.

Also, -mmmx is valid compile option. But a better way would just to
-march=pentium2 ...

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