
Just wondering if anyone might know what's the deal here, as the docs on
the MGT site don't seem to be helping, nor the MGT ML archives.

I'm running MGT under KDE, because GNOME is broken (again, don't ask, no

I love MGT, but it is an (as always, hideously unnatractive) GTK 1
application. I have GTK-QT installed, and GTK apps are supposed to be
using it... The Gimp does (although I'm not sure if my Gimp is GTK 1 or
2), but MGT just won't.

I'm using Mosfet's Liquid as my KDE theme, and I've installed both
GLiquid and XLiquid for GTK 1 from kde-look.org, I've changed the theme
in both gtk-chtheme (which is GTK2), switch2 (which is GTK1), and even
in the GNOME theme manager (which I managed to run under KDE), but
nothing seems to affect the style of MGT (the colors are fine, weirdly
enough). None of the command-line options displayed by --help seem to be

I looked at the screenshots on multignometerm.sourceforge.net, and
apparently MGT does respond to theming-- at least the screenshots
display GTK styles that I'm familiar with, but not on my PC.

Does this by chance ring a bell with anyone as to what the problem might
be? Since the colors are OK, I can live with it, but it's freaking me
out mildly.

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