On Sun, 29 May 2005 14:02:03 -0700
Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>    Does udev somehow not support mounting by label?????

It's needs the device - /dev/hdxx defined somewhere.  Normally this is defined
in /etc/fstab.  I'd guess that somewhere along the way, the labels were defined
in a devfs conf file on the system, thus it appeared devfs was auto-magically 
with labels.  You could probably define labels for udev if you really wanted to.

>    We've had a system using devfsd with a user partition mounted at
> /home/herb for a long time. (18 months) Everything has been fine. The
> user partition has always mounted correctly. We recently switched to
> udev and the system has been through some reboots and has mounted fine
> until today. As of today it appears that they no longer do. After a
> reboot things looked like this:
> gandalf ~ # df
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda3              4892408   3760620    883268  81% /
> udev                    257536      3148    254388   2% /dev
> gandalf ~ #
> It seems that only / and swap are mounting
> What we are more used to is things looking like this:
> gandalf ~ # df
> Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sda3              4892408   3760620    883268  81% /
> udev                    257536      3148    254388   2% /dev
> /dev/sda8              9612604   1366048   7758260  15% /home/herb
> /dev/sda6              9612604   1299172   7825136  15% /usr/portage
> /dev/sdb2            278827992  34887008 229777280  14% /TVstorage
> gandalf ~ #

Just add the partitions to /etc/fstab -

        /dev/sda3       /  (and the rest of the line)
        /dev/sda8       /home/herb  (and the rest of the line)
        /dev/sda6       /usr/portage (and the rest of the line)
        /dev/sdb2       /TVstorage (and the rest of the line)

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