Pupeno wrote:
I'm missing a couple of things, maybe flexbackup can do it, but I do not know how, can you help me ?

1- I need to backup some big files (databases) that change slightly over the days, so, I need to be able to do incremental/differential [1] back up inside each file, is that posible ? I tried setting up rsync, but it seems it

As far as I know, flexbackup can't do that. In order to do that you should use
some tool that is based on something like diff, but it is not the way flexbackup
works. I don't know any tools that do that. Probably, if you know a little shell
programming, you could try to make an automated dump of your database, make a
diff with the dump of the day before and save the outcome (i.e. only the 
Then you could use flexbackup to save the difference.

2- I don't want each backup iteration in a separate file, I'm interested on incremental backups to save bandwidth, not to save old files, is it possible to end up having one archive for each backup ?

Flexbackup's incremental backup only stores files that have changed since the 
backup, so the "old files" are not stored again and again, unless you "change" 
I'm not sure I got your question, though.
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