Dirk Heinrichs wrote:

>Am Dienstag, 31. Mai 2005 07:56 schrieb ext Rumen Yotov:
>>Could also use loop-aes instead of dm-crypt, it's a kernel module.
>So is dm-crypt. And since it's based on device-mapper this should be the way 
>to go. And, it is fully supported on Gentoo.

I would suggest anybody looking for filesystem encryption checkout both
dm-crypt and loop AES.  For me, loop-AES is faster, offers better
security, and is easier to setup with encrypted GPG key files.

The only thing that is "tricky" about loop-AES is needing specially
patch versions of losetup and mount.  For this reason, some will prefer

It is just a shame the Mr. Russo (the loop-AES author) and the kernel
devs don't get along so well....it is really great code.


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