One could also take a look at and scroll
down to "June 2005: Free full version registration" ;)


2005/6/2, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I didnt have to pay anything for the license that I received.  I dunno,
> maybe it will expire sometime, but it seems to be workin pretty good
> right now.  I dl'd it and tried it out today as I'd never heard of it
> before.  I know that the pro version costs, but from what I read, the
> personal version is just that, a personal free version that doesnt have
> some of the features of the pro version.
> Antonino Sabetta wrote:
> > Ryan wrote:
> >
> >> The personal version doesnt need you to pay anything.  Just sign up with
> >> a junk mail account and get the personal key.
> >
> >
> > It's 29$, isn't it? It is relatively cheap, but you do have to pay.
> --
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