Holly Bostick wrote:

>� schreef:
>>I think I figured it out. Here is my output:
>>bash-2.05b$ firefox
>>\No running windows found
>>/home/omega21/.gtk_qt_engine_rc:62: error: unexpected
>>character `{', expected character `}'
>>/usr/libexec/mozilla-launcher: line 547: 16841
>>Segmentation fault      "$mozbin" "$@"
>>firefox-bin exited with non-zero status (139)
>>I now realize that Gaim, Firefox & Thunderbird are all
>>GTK, and Im using qt-gtk-engine. That must be the
>>Can I get these things to work though with QT-GTK,
>>because GTK without a theme -- well, no one deserves
>>to see it. :)
>"GTK without a theme"? GTK-QT *isn't* a theme. It's an engine that
>(supposedly) allows GTK (1 and 2) applications to use a KDE theme when
>running KDE, so that your GTK and QT applications look the same.
>Now, this works fine for me with Thunderbird, Firefox doesn't seem to
>accept most theme variables, even under GNOME (it won't pick up desktop
>colors, for example), and if Gaim is GTK 1, well... GTK-QT in my
>experience works much better with GTK 2 applications rather than GTK 1.
>First of all, have you set GTK applications to use the KDE color scheme
>in the KDE Configuration Center (Appearance and Themes=>Colors=>use my
>KDE color scheme in non KDE applications").
>Second of all, if you installed the GTK-QT engine via Portage, you
>should also have a "GTK Themes and Styles" entry in the Configuration
>menu or in the main menu somewhere (look in Utilities, or Extra). Make
>sure that the settings are correct.
>But the main problem that I found is that GTK 1 programs especially do
>not support all KDE themes. I was using Liquid and no GTK 1 application
>wanted to recognize it (though I finally got them to use the right color
>scheme). What I finally did was go to kde-look org and find a GTK theme
>that I could live with and that was replicated successfully for GTK, GTK
>2, and KDE (there are several such themes on the site in the GTK+ 1
>section, but many of the ones I tried didn't work properly), and use
>that instead.
>The theme I chose was QTCurve, and once installed (had to compile it
>manually, but that was a simple and standard compile and the
>instructions were perfectly adequate to the task), I then set GTK 1 apps
>to use it via switch --not switch 2; I specifically installed the 1.0
>version in a new slot to have access to GTK 1 theme controls. "switch"
>by the way, is the binary name for the package installed by emerge
>gtk-theme-switch. I then set GTK 2 apps to use it via the GNOME Control
>Panel (if available), switch2 (the binary installed by the 2.0 versions
>of gtk-theme-switch), or gtk-chtheme, another GTK (2) theme-setting
>utility for those without GNOME. KDE was just set to use the theme
>normally via the Configuration Center.
>And now all my apps, be they KDE, GTK 1 or GTK 2, look alike to the best
>of their ability (since Firefox does not pick up desktop theme colors
>using most firefox themes, although istr that there are a couple of ff
>themes that do use desktop color schemes. I'm just apparently not using
>So my advice to you would be threefold:
>1) try installing (gtk) theme engines via Portage, or even manually from
>art.gnome.org or gnome-look.org. It's possible that you don't have the
>backend for the theme you're trying to use. Be warned ,though-- many of
>the gtk-engine packages will install if you have GNOME 2.x installed,
>but then if you try to upgrade GNOME (from 2.8.x to 2.10, for example),
>the gnome-themes(-extras) package will be blocked by them. However, the
>gnome-themes packages don't seem to actually include many of the GTK
>engines, though they (obviously) claim to, which is a problem since many
>GTK themes are based on some of these engines, like smooth.
I did do the gtk-qt engine with portage. I dont have GNOME installed
or ever really plan to. I have KDE and Flux, which is enough for me. ;)

>2) try a different KDE theme via GTK-QT. I had a lot of problems with
>Liquid, but Plastic is much simpler and might work fine.
This is what worked. I am now using krisp, as opposed to Metal4kde.

>3) give up on GTK-QT and just use replicated themes. Geramik is in
>Portage, replicating Keramik (and Thin Keramik) controls. On
>kde-look.org you can find Plastiq (replicating Plastic controls),
>QTCurve (modified Bluecurve controls), two versions of Liquid (which
>unfortunately don't seem to respect color schemes, but maybe I didn't
>follow instructions), and of course, lots of Aqua, among others.
>And you naturally have the option to hack a cross-environment theme
>yourself, or just forget about this standardized look business and just
>use different themes for GTK and KDE apps. It's not so bad as long as
>you have the color scheme set to be used across the board.
I really do like the way I have it set now, and it seems to
be working so I dont want to dump the GTK-QT engine just yet.

>Hope this helps,
It did. Thank you for your time.

fn:Ian K
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