Mats Lidell schreef:
> Kurt Guenther wrote:

> I had started a quest to remove evolution, by removing a few evolution
> packages, that might have caused the problem with the
> not-complete-gnome-to-2.10 update. But as I said the update probably
> removed all clues since it reinstalled evolution for me. (So I still
> have this path to go down if I dare try it again. ;.-) This time I will
> try to do it while not updating gnome at the same time.

I did this as well, and also wound up with some mis-matched packages (I
was having other problems, so I tried to downgrade to 2.8.3).

But anyway, the way I "switched over" from gnome (which includes evo and
mozilla) to gnome-light (which doesn't) was (without warranty that this
is the 'correct' way, or the 'best' way, just the only way I could
manage it fairly reasonably):

1) unmerge gnome. This will not remove anything but the metapackage that
demands evo, evo-data-server, and mozilla. So they become orphaned
dependencies of a package that you have uninstalled.

2) unmerge evo, evo-data-server, epiphany, and mozilla (if desired. I
use Firefox, and most things like liferea and others that formerly
hooked only into moz have now been updated to hook into firefox
instead/as well, so I really don't need Moz hanging around with its
bulky self).

3) sync and emerge gnome-light. Possibly -uD, just to make sure you
catch anything that may not have been caught in the original GNOME
install, and to confirm that everything that needs updating is in fact
up to date with the correct version. But if there are any dependencies
that you don't already have, they should be installed just like with any
emerge. Seems unlikely, though, all things considered.

Afaict, this isn't a "clean" switchover; you'll probably have some
leftover gnome meta stuff that would not have been installed if you had
originally installed gnome-light; Totem, gnome-volume-manager and
possibly any gstreamer backend that may have been installed come to
mind. But those are all things you might well use anyway, so you can
leave them, or dump them, as you please. At least you've got rid of the
big stuff, and you have time to compare the gnome and gnome-light
ebuilds at your leisure to see if there's any other cruft you don't want
(or run emerge -p depclean, or dep, if that's still around).

Hope this helps.
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