On 6/8/05, Remy Blank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> >    I'm experimenting with leaving a drive turned off in a MythTV
> > frontend. I have laptop_mode turned on with whatever it has for
> > default settings. I have vixie-cron turned off. Once an hour it seems
> > that the drive still spins up for about 1 minute. How can I find
> > what's causing that and at least make it more infrequent? I see
> > nothing in /var/log/messages nor anything in dmesg. Is there somewhere
> > else I should look?
> Laptop mode prevents the drive spinning up when a process writes to the
> disk. However, in its default configuration, it is configured to flush
> the cached writes after a maximum of 600 seconds (MAX_AGE). On my
> laptop, this means that the drive does spin up about every 10 minues.
> Your could try enabling "block dumping" in the kernel:
> echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/block_dump
> After that, the kernel will dump every block read and write to the
> kernel log. This might allow you to identify which file is accessed and
> which process causes the access.
> Note that you better switch off any logger before doing that (or at
> least log through the network), otherwise you'll see all the writes from
> the logger itself...
> HTH.
> -- Remy

   I got back to looking at this item this evening. dmesg is now full of this:

pdflush(185): WRITE block 14947712 on hda3
syslog-ng(5341): dirtied inode 936889 (messages) on hda3
syslog-ng(5341): dirtied inode 936889 (messages) on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 14947712 on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 9112 on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 9120 on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 9128 on hda3
pdflush(185): WRITE block 14947712 on hda3
syslog-ng(5341): dirtied inode 936889 (messages) on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 9136 on hda3
kjournald(869): WRITE block 9144 on hda3
syslog-ng(5341): dirtied inode 936889 (messages) on hda3
syslog-ng(5341): dirtied inode 936889 (messages) on hda3

Is this the logger stuff you were speaking of, or is there a clue here
to what's spinning the drive back up?

I'm shutting off syslog-ng for a little while to see if the results
are considerably different.


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