Richard Fish wrote:

Alec Shaner wrote:
I recently purchased a WD 160GB external USB drive and can't get it to
perform reliably on my server. It works fine when connected to my
workstation machine (a P4P800 ASUS MB with USB 2.0 support). The server
only has 1.1 USB support, but the problem is that it starts out copying
fine at about 11MB/sec and then after a bit slows to a crawl and stays
that way. I have formatted it with an ext3 filesystem. Here's all the
info if anyone has an idea.

With USB 1.1 you are not going to get more than about 1.2MB/s
throughput, because the top speed is 11 megabits/sec, not megabytes:

11 mbit / 8 bits-per-pyte = 1.375.

The initial burst you see at 11MB/sec is likely due to buffering.

Maybe you can answer this question. I have an ATA/66 hard drive (66 MBps) on an ATA/133 bus. If the bus is limited to 133 MBps and the drive cannot transfer data at more than 66 MBps, how come burst transfers (as reported by hdparm -tT /dev/hdg) are at about 1.6 GBps?

Not that I'm complaining, of course, it just seems illogical :-)


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