On 2005-06-09 22:08:52 +0000 (Thu, Jun), Martins Steinbergs wrote:
> what's wrong with  these, users cant access partitions (Access denied to
> /mnt/win_j.), only root can go there.
> fstab
> /dev/hda1        /mnt/win_c    ntfs        defaults,ro,user    0 0
> /dev/hdb8        /mnt/win_j    vfat        defaults,rw,user    0 0

As I've seen a few times, probably mounted directories have no execute
bit set for group and other.
Check the permissions, and if that's the case and you think that
suggested earlier 'umask=000' is too permissive, you may use 'dmask=022'
as it applies only to directories, and 'fmask='133' to restrict regular
files permissions.

See 'man mount' for all options.


$ ls -lart
/bin/ls: you must be root to use LART

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