
I have a similar problem with my short-term memory, but I don't think
nearly as extreme; however, I'll be working on something, my mind will
wander, and I'll forget what I was doing.  But I'm only 22, I don't
drink, and I've never done drugs.

On 6/8/05, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:49 PM 6/7/2005, you wrote:
> >--- Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I am slowly but surely rescuing my Gentoo System
> > > with the latest Live
> > > CD.  It is truly a miracle to have this tool, but
> > > you need to take some
> > > time experimenting with how to use it,   For
> > > example, mounting boot and
> > > root partitions and the proc system.  I will soon
> > > have my system up and
> > > running but I had to go in and remove the * from my
> > > passwd file using vipw
> > > so that I could get into the new system.  I am still
> > > getting messages of
> > > "segmentation fault" after I perform certain
> > > operations.  I am not sure
> > > what is causing that, but the cure is to re untar
> > > the stage-3 tarball onto
> > > my Gentoo partition.  Anyway I lost my Grub disk, so
> > > I am taking a vacation
> > > until I find it.  I am a disabled hacker who has no
> > > short term memory, so
> > > whenever I lose something, I have to take on an
> > > orthagonal persuit, haha.
> > >
> > > God Bless,
> > >
> > > Rob.
> >
> >Are you serious about not having short term memory?
> >That must be difficult.
> >
> >Bless you too,
> >
> >Zac
> >
> >
> >
> >__________________________________
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> >--
> > mailing list
> Hi Zac,
> I am pleased to meet you here on this wonderful list.
> Oh, this is OT, but perhaps not for the "Absent Minded Professor Type"
> hacker.  Remember that there is a fine line between genious and insanity,
> LOL, per Nikola Tesla, my phantom mentor.   Yes, it seems to be true, no
> short term memory.  Yesterday I got my Disabled Motorist Permit, so I can
> park right next to the mall or store.  If I venture out into the parking
> lot, I lose my car.  It is a green Camry so it looks like 1000 other cars,
> so I have to contact security and they come help me find my car.
> It is not so bad as my doctors have competing theories.  1. Theory is that
> I burnt out my short term memory using drugs and alcohol, LOL.  I have been
> clean and sober for years now, but I am 43 years old.  2.  Theory is that
> since driving and parking is primarily an unconcious activity, I am
> unconsciously parking and not REGISTERING my car's location in
> memory.  Thus it is always lost when I go to  find it.   Thus the solution
> is to sit in my car an meditate after parking so that suddenly I am living
> "in the moment" and the car location REGISTRATES in my brain.   I am going
> to try this last procedure, as I don't want to be having Alzheimer's
> disease in my 40's.
> Thanks for all who listen.  Now you know alot about me and who I am here in
> Hillsboro, Oregon, where all sun is liquid sunshine i.e rain, haha.  I am
> Rob, disabled Berkeley BSEE, now turned Gentoo Linux hacker.  I hope I can
> have coffee with Linus the next time he is up here.  He works only 3 miles
> from where I live.
> Best regards, and sorry for this very OT OT subject.
> Sincerely,  Rob N3FT
> --
> mailing list

- Mark Shields

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