On Sun, 2005-06-12 at 20:31 +0200, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Thanks for the info, but I notice that there's also a patch to
> portage.py attached to the bug. Is it correct to just patch it with the
> standard "patch -p1 blah blah blah" (patch syntax doesn't roll
> trippingly off my typing finger, but I'll look it up before proceeding)?
> Is this "safe" (insofar as it's patching a portage file, unlike
> revdep-rebuild itself)?

You don't have to add the portage.py patch (although it shouldn't hurt
anything if you do).  Those changes are there for adding support into
portage for the package maintainers. Once that support is there, then
package maintainers will be able to automatically set the appropriate
variables to revdep-rebuild for their packages.

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