
Viewing / reading implies that the information has already been
transferred (downloaded and rendered) to a client browser. So I don't
think that you could totally prevent information extraction on the
client side.

You can make it rather hard though:

1. Use evil things like Flash.
2. Convert the information to a graphic format and use that as
background image. No browser is able to directly download background
images (in the moment).
3. Invent your own crypted text format and develop a viewer for that.

*SCNR* the irony. But it seems you want to solve a organisational
problem with a technical approach. That never works IMHO.



Am Dienstag, den 14.06.2005, 08:23 +0100 schrieb Stuart Howard:
> Hi
> I work in the engineering sector where we issue documents that detail
> process methods on how to produce certain items of equipment. Recently
> we have produced some documentation that we need to be able to publish
> [in a form such as pdf] for use by our suppliers BUT we want to ensure
> that this documentation cannot escape out of our control.
> What I am wondering is, can a document be published to a website [for
> example] in such a way that it can be viewed and read but it cannot be
> either copied, downloaded, printed or the text extracted from it?
> Not in the spirit of open source I admit but in the world of
> manufacturing there is little honour.
> Stuart
> -- 
> "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
> binary, those who don't"
> --Unknown
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Heinz Sporn

SPORN it-freelancing

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