sIbOk wrote:
> splashutils didn't solved the problem and come with a few bugs
> 2005/6/13, sIbOk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>before posting i reemerged kbd and didn't help. I don't use the
>>console on these Pc cause it's my daughter's Pc so i don't have
>>consolefont in any runlevel, but that's not the problem. When i have
>>to do anything i start it manually, it's not very often. By now
>>someone tells that the problem i get is due tu a strange behavour of
>>splahsutils and it's solved in a new version, so gonna try to solve it
>>this way. If i can solve it i will post here so if someone has a
>>similar problem could know the solution. Thanks to all you :)

Are you certain that /etc/init.d/keymaps is executed at boot with no errors?  
Are all the package versions the same as one of your working gentoo systems?  
Instead of iso8559-15 you may want to try the utf-8 charset since it is 
probably more common.

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