ok, with the nw802 driver i have this error when try to access
to /dev/video0 with media-video/camorama :
        /usr/local/src/nw802/usbvideo.c: nw802 on /dev/video0: canvas=320x240
        /usr/local/src/nw802/usbvideo.c: usb_submit_urb error (-1)
        /usr/local/src/nw802/usbvideo.c: usb_submit_urb error (-1)
        /usr/local/src/nw802/usbvideo.c: Packet Statistics: Total=3360.
Empty=273. Usage=91%
        /usr/local/src/nw802/usbvideo.c: Transfer Statistics: Transferred=898KB

i look for that error with Google but nothing appeared... 
              Anielkis Herrera González
           Desarrollador de Nova Linux OS
                 Linux User #377809

                 Estudiante 4to año
        Universidad de las Ciencias Informáticas

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