Holly Bostick wrote:

>$ useflag multislot
>/usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc:sys-devel/binutils:multislot -
>Allow for multiple versions of binutils to be emerged at once for same
>/usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc:sys-devel/gcc:multislot - Allow for
>SLOTs to include minor version (3.3.4 instead of just 3.3)

Ah, thanks.  I didn't know about use.local.desc.  Cool alias.

>All I've got is gcc, I haven't even gotten around to installing prelink
>yet. And I can't imagine that any of these programs (gcc, prelink, and
>elfutils, which prelink requires), would need some old version of
>binutils hanging around, especially since I would be keeping these
>reverse dependencies up-to-date.

Right.  These other dependancies just need to be able to run a program
from binutils (ld, ar, etc).  That kind if dependancy is much more
stable than actually linking to libraries provided by a package.

BTW, one of the advantages of prelink is that it will fairly quickly
identify every program on the system with a broken library dependancy. 
I know revdep-rebuild does this too, but prelink is faster.

>So you're probably right; I can most likely remove multislot from both
>binutils and gcc (since I only mean to have one version of GCC anyway),
>recompile everything *yet again* (just to be safe; this system is

I know the feeling...can't wait until I can buy a dual-core laptop.


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