Yangwenpeng schreef:
> Hi
> My mother language isn Chinese, but i can use my mother language in the 
> GUI programms, my locales.build file is this:
> en_US/ISO-8859-1
> en_US.UTF-8/UTF-8
> zh_CN/GBK
> zh_CN/GB2312
> zh_CN.UTF-8/UTF-8
> In the GUI, I set the locale encoding as my mother language, I write my
> .xinitrc in my home directory like this:
> C=zh_CN.GBK
> export LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.GBK
> export LC_ALL=zh_CN.GBK
> export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
> fcitx &
> xcompmgr &
> fvwm
> I think you should set the encoding what you want in your .xinitrc file
> My mother language is not English, I hope you can understand what I said 
> Hope it helps
> On 16:21 Wed 15 Jun, Holly Bostick wrote:
Thank you also, the only problem is that I don't actually have an
~/.xinitrc, and would have to do some research in order to create one.
The fact that I seem to be mostly OK without one also makes me more
nervous about creating one. I seem to have the obvious symptoms fixed by
Zac's suggestion, but I'll keep your post in reserve; all example
formats of important configuration files are useful in my book :-) .

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