
    In order for distcc to actually work there are a few steps to make:
    If you have one machine second and assuming is the "power"
    These are the things you should do on the slow machine (there may be
more, i've done it some time ago :)):

    first in /etc/make.conf make sure MAKEOPTS is something like this
MAKEOPTS="-jN" where N is the number of
CPUs per machine + 2 (1 for each machine). This makes sure make will try
to use as many parallel processes as it should
    make sure on both machines you have set-up distccd to listen and to
accept connections, check /etc/conf.d/distcc
    on make
    # distcc-config --set-hosts " 3 2"
    this ensures the slow machine will first try the fast one and then
then itself. The number 3 and 2 assume the first machine
is a dual processor and the second is a single processor (number of cpus
+ 1 per machine)
    on make
    # distcc-config --set-hosts " 3"
    only the power machine is used this way or add the same as above if
u also want the slow
    in the portage features in /etc/make.conf there should be distcc
    Of course, both machine should use the same build environment (gcc +
glibc + binutils)
    That's about it.
    # ps aux
    from time to time on the machine will show some gcc process and you
will know it works :) If it works once
it will work always.

Hope this helps,


michael higgins wrote:

>I have a couple of questions about using distcc. I have two machines. One is 
>significantly faster than the other, both x86 (pentium 2 and amd athlon-xp). 
>I've followed the http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/distcc.xml instructions for 
>configuring portage to use distcc. Should I need to continue with the 
>instructions for "working with automake"?
>Also, how do I tell the faster machine to just use it's own power and not 
>attempt to use the slower one?
>I tried so far, getting distccd running on both machines, each distcc-config 
>--set-hosts has one IP entry, that of the other machine. Is this right? 
>I ran distcc-gnome and saw no activity reported on the faster machine when 
>emerging something on the slower one. So, it would seem it's not working. 
>Can anyone give me some hints? The manpage for distcc doesn't seem (to me) to 
>be much related to the gentoo how-to... '-)
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