Somewhere around Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 08:04:48PM +0200, a message
from Richard Fish went like this:
> >Jun 14 21:01:02 gt40 cardmgr[5320]: executing: './network start eth1 2>&1'
> >Jun 14 21:01:02 gt40 cardmgr[5320]: + /usr/sbin/iwconfig eth1 channel 8
> >Jun 14 21:01:02 gt40 cardmgr[5320]: + Error for wireless request "Set 
> >Frequency"
> >(8B04) :
> >  
> >
> I'm not sure I understand this output...this happens even before the
> net.eth1 script is executed, because the first thing it will do is try
> to load modules, which causes the warning below.  Did you modify the
> pcmcia network script to add an iwconfig command?

I have had my wireless working right along using pcmcia and the
/etc/wireless/wireless.opts. There are no iwconfig parms set up in that file
though, just pretty much the same info I have in this arrangement. Could having
pcmcia set to run at default and trying to configure the wireless have something
to do with the problem?

> Ok, this message happens if "iwlist eth1 scanning" doesn't produce any
> output on stdout.  Could you try running that command and see what you get?

This is what I get when I run that command:
eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning : Operation not supported

Its been so long since I set my wireless up to run with the pcmcia script I have
to back and look at how to turn it off.


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