On 6/19/05, Daniel Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to debug
> > why none of my machines have the lirc/lirc0 devices like the Gentoo
> > Wiki's say they should.
> You need to load the lirc module first. But there is always the possibility
> that the lirc module is not sysfs-aware, in which case it won't put anything
> in /sys, so udev won't know anything about it.
> Daniel

   I found it. The Gentoo Wiki for MythTV shows how to build in
support for a remote that I don't use. They don't mention that this
one line should be change, nor do they suggest where to get the info
to know how to change it. Once I noticed a message while lirc was
building that said something about looking at the ebuild source to see
what remotes it supported it became clear I needed to change this one
line in the instructions to choose my remote. This built a different
driver which, when loaded, created all the /dev devices and I now have
a working remote.


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