On 6/20/05, Mark Shields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Perhaps his answer isn't clear enough.  SOMEONE has to compile the
> source for Gentoo; to my knowledge, Portage doesn't store an
> pre-compiled binaries.  Read the wikipedia entry for Gentoo, which
> states: "Gentoo does not use binary packages as package management
> systems like RPM, instead employing a format known as the ebuild. The
> main difference between RPM files and ebuilds is that RPMs are
> precompiled binaries, whereas ebuilds are text files which contain a
> description of the software, and instructions on how to obtain,
> configure, compile, and install it. There are nearly
> nine-thousand-five-hundred ebuilds available; the majority of which
> are distributed by the Gentoo mirrors. New and updated ebuilds can be
> obtained by synchronizing the local ebuild repository with the
> mirrors. This is done by executing the command emerge --sync."
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentoo.  In short, you are not going to
> find an official binary packages for Gentoo, because there are none.
> Now, you can have someone you know compile them for you on a
> compatible system, and that will work.

Goodness gracious me! I know everything you just said! I was just
wondering if anyone out here knows of a website that maintain a
repository of application binaries for popular architectures such as
the x86.

Thank you Steven for giving me the link that I wanted.



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