On 6/22/05, A. Khattri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, askar ... wrote:
> > Thanks, but I already have this script in my iptable rules.
> > My router works for PC in LAN.
> > But when I run in LAN PC www.mydomain.com <http://www.mydomain.com> it
> > doesn't homepage. Though I can see web page when I run http://localhost.
> No it won't.
> Because the IP for www.mydomain.com is different from inside and outside
> your LAN. LAN client *should* use localhost (or the local IP address for
> that site). Clients outside your network *should* use the WAN IP. You
> can't test the WAN access from inside your network because your HTTP
> request won't be coming in on the WAN network card.
Why I can't see www.mydomain.com from LAN? www.mydomain.com is
registered at providers DNS server.


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