
I was recompiling kde today, but now the path isn't set anymore. If I run 
env-update, the bin directory of kde isn't added to the path (of course after 
executing source /etc/profile).

My kde-env looks like this:

# cat /etc/env.d/99kde-env

which is like you'd expect from the ebuild kde-env. I find it strange that 
there is no PATH variable in it for kde.

I can manually add "ROOTPATH=/usr/kde/3.4/bin" to the env file, and 
then /etc/profile.env gets updated, and also the path. But I wonder what's 
the correct way to do this is, since I'll have to update it each time I 
install a new kde.



If it ain't broken, you just haven't looked hard enough. Fix it anyway.
                                                                -- Tom Peters

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