On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 11:08:40AM -0400, Dave Nebinger wrote:
> > I had to completely reinstall Gentoo the other day (partitioning problem).
> >  I got the base system up and emerged gnome.  I've done this several times
> > before, but this time when I run startx all I get is twm.
> > DISPLAYMANAGER="gdm" and XSESSION="Gnome" in /etc/rc.conf .  I'm out of
> > ideas, but I want gnome back.  Can anyone help me?
> Startx uses ~/.xinitrc for starting X.  You need to change your local copy
> to start gnome rather than twm.

I'm still using the root account.  /root/.xinitrc says "exec
gnome-session", but still startx gives me twm...
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