El Miércoles 29 Junio 2005 14:32, Dave Nebinger escribió:
> I updated world yesterday which gave me a new com_err release.  Saw the
> notice about running revdep-rebuild fly by when I did it but ignored it
> because I've never really needed to do this before.
> Soon thereafter I could not ssh to the box because of the missing
> libcom_err.so.3 file and realized that I had ignored the message at my own
> peril...
> So revdep-rebuild is currently running on the box but I'm wondering how
> often the revdep-rebuild needs to be run...
> Any suggestions from you folks out there in gentoo land?
> I'm thinking about building a cron script to run early in the morning and,
> if a recent emerge has taken place, run revdep-rebuild automatically.  Does
> this sound like a good idea or not?
> Does revdep-rebuild rebuild the same version of the packages that are
> currently installed or will it do a package update from the portage tree?

Theorically revdep-rebuild should be run every update that changes some linked 
libraries. All apps that are depending on them maybe won't find them, and 
they'll crash or not work correctly, for that reason, revdep-rebuid, looks 
for all linked libraries needs on apps, and checks if they do exist.

It's pretty useful.

"You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like to understand what you did 2 
weeks from now." - Linus Torvalds

Gentoo GNU/Linux.

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