* Norbert Kamenicky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> cothrige wrote:
> > I just finished running 'emerge -uD world' and everything seemed to go
> > okay.  At least in the end it seemed to.  I did have some troubles
> > with spamassassin and a couple of other strange dependencies which
> > were not dealt with automatically, but google and archives of such
> > lists as this helped in those areas.  But, now I am having all sorts
> > of strange trouble with alsa.
> -snip-
> I would say u forgot to inform us, that u also rebuilt kernel ...
> didn't u ?

No, actually, I didn't.  I was very happy with the kernel I compiled
with the installation and had no reason to change that.  But, at least
I may have thought of that as a problem if I had since that never
failed to kill alsaconf when I used Slackware.  As a matter of fact
alsa never really worked right for me then, but didn't work at all
after a kernel compile.  And only about half the time could I ever
correct the problem.

In any case, I think I have just solved the alsa problem, though I
wonder if I really know what I did wrong.  It would seem that my
ignorance and newbieness in matters Gentoo is to blame (Duh!).  
In order to slow down the alsaconf messages I had to compile a program
and then run it during that process.  In this way I was able to see
that alsasound had no start function.  I looked at
/etc/init.d/alsasound and saw that it was virtually blank.  It had one
line of some kind but I don't recall what it was.  
It would seem that knowing that my files would be saved
to the archive folder I had gotten a little bold when running
dispatch-conf. But, I copied the old file back from the archive and ran
alsaconf again.  This time it seemed to work, though things still look
funny.  In alsamixer there is no way to choose a record source.  It
used to have red dashes over those items which could be captured, and
when selected they told you, but now there is nothing of that sort,
and no capture control either, which it used to have.  Audacity does
act like it can record though as it gives me no errors and the record
source does offer the typical choices my card offers.  Maybe there is
just something odd in the alsamixer screen now?  Strange anyway.

I do wonder if it will work on reboot, and I don't know if I should
run rc-update on alsasound again.  Would that have actually have
corrected the problem in the first place?  I fear that I really hate
alsa which never seems to work right for me ever, no matter which
distro I use or how I compile my kernels, and now with Gentoo things
to consider I am somewhat lost.

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