> Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I going to maintain a Gentoo server in another country, normal i'm going
>> to connect with the internet, but if something is wrong i'm thinking to
>> connect a modem to the machine.
>> What do i need of software so i can connect with a another machine to
>> this
>> machine over a telephone line?
>> The machine has no X installed.
>> TIA
>> Patrick
> Just connect a modems to serial ports on both sides and start one
> of "getty" proceses (agetty, mgetty ... the last is recommended)
> on server.
> To do that, put something like this to /etc/inittab:
> m1:12345:respawn:/usr/sbin/mgetty -x1 -n1 ttyS0
> next notify "init" process about changes:
> # init q
> On client side start "minicom", setup modem and dial servers
> number (using AT-commands).
> If everything done properly, u see "login" prompt on the screen.
> In next u can set up "PPP" demons, so u can do everythink
> in the same way as via internet.
> HTH noro
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
I have found this howto  "Linux dialin server setup guide" that i'm
installing now:

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