On Thu June 30 2005 12:27 pm, Holly Bostick wrote:

> The thing is, because vsftpd-2.0.3-r1 is a dependency of ftpbase,
> ftpbase would install this version itself.

ftpbase is a runtime dependency of vsftpd as of vsftpd-2.0.3-r1.  Basically, 
some common ftp server things were put into ftpbase for use by vsftpd, 
proftpd, purftpd, etc.

> So it stops you, and "forces" you to uninstall the standalone "version",
> so that the dependency "version" can be installed by ftpbase, and
> everything is correctly organized from Portage's viewpoint.

The problem is that <vsftpd-2.0.3-r1 does not depend on ftpbase, but it 
*does* include files that collide with ftpbase.  Also, ftpbase has a depend 
of !<vsftpd-2.0.3-r1, so prior versions of vsftpd block ftpbase from 
installing.  Then, ftpbase being a dependency of the newer vsftpd, vsftpd 
could not be upgraded; a catch-22 requiring an unmerge of vsftpd first.

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