On Sat, Jun 25, 2005 at 10:12:11PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i've been looking for a program that can audit
> my system, it seems that "acct" just fit, however,
> as i run 
> accton /var/account/pacct
> it complains: "function not implemented", i searched 
> the web, and somebody says the kernel has to be compiled
> with accounting enabled, i checked the kernel config menu
> and found nothing. please help.
> thanks in advance.
> daniel
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

i have added the "BSD accounting support" to my kernel,
and the accton & lastcomm now runs ok. but the output is in
quite a mess, it seems that the acct does not make records 
in the way i assumed, 

root> lastcomm --user root
??                      root     ??         2.07 secs Thu Jan  1 08:03
??                      root     ??         0.00 secs Thu Jan  1 08:16
??                      root     ??         0.00 secs Thu Jan  1 08:16

i could not understand the question marks there, and the format does not
match desctiption in the lastcomm man page. 

anyone ever used it before ? or any ideas about it ?

best regards

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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