On Mon, 4 Jul 2005 16:26:57 +0200
Benjamin Fritzsche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Works here in 1920x1200 1280x800. haven´t tried others. no need for doubt as I
> ´m sitting in front of it. doesn´t even need a ModeLine. autodetection with 
> DDC (or whatever, works.) also with the xorg radeon drivers.

Yes, I'm sure it works in some resolutions at 16x10, but if it doesn't work at 
then it's not a valid, supported, mode.

And it's not like this monitor is new.  It had been on the market in 1999.  
I've used
it, under Linux and Windows, on various systems since RH 6.0.  I've owned this
specific monitor for 3+ years now.

btw - Framebuffer works fine at 1600x1024.

> But I remember  that until about 9 months ago i needed a manually set 
> Modeline 
> which took quite some experimentation to figure out.

Sorry, it doesn't work with or without modelines.  And this xorg.conf was 
derived from 
an XF86config-4  file.  It's been moved, once proven, from system to system.  
And the
modelines came directly from the design engineer of the monitor. 

Neither Nvidia nor ATI get off without complaint.  But disallowing a mode that 
a supply of 40,000 monitors - total of all this model produced and out in the 
world, is not


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