On Friday 08 July 2005 16:11, Hans-Werner Hilse wrote:
> Well, two possibilities.
> 1.) the packets are already mirrored at your own box
> 2.) the packets are mirrored at the target box
> I guess it's #2, you can find out by tcptracing the wire.
> If I were to reproduce this behaviour of the remote box I'd set up an
> iptables rule with the "MIRROR" target. See "man iptables" for an
> explanation.

I am aware of the MIRROR Target, and I agree that this would be the way to do 

> This may be some scary tactics to irritate the support persons in
> charge of managing the network - and has, according to you notes,
> proven to work for that :-)

Well it is certainly bugging me.

> My interpretion is:
> hacked box, shell services running on UDP 161, mirroring everything
> else to scare people :-) I think they've chosen SNMP port to hide their
> traffic, maybe to get through some firewalls.

Umm, quite possible. How about they have set their SNMP broadcast to a too 
wide range, which includes the whole subnet? 

> -hwh

Many thanks for your input, you have been helpful!


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hold infinity in the palm of your hands,
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