
I confused about revdep-rebuild. I thought that revdep-rebuild without
any parameter would investigate all of my bin, and a --soname parameter
will investigate just about this .so file.
Today I had done an emerge -uD world and openssh didn't work anymore. I
read the logs, which said do a revdep-rebuild --soname libcom_err.so.3.
The update did more library update, so I did revdep-rebuild without any
parameter, and it didn't show anything, but ssh didn't work. I did the
adviced revdep-rebuild --soname libcom_err.so.3 and it showed openssh.
My question is what exactly does revdep-rebuild without any parameter?
After reemerge of openssh the sun shines to me again.

Tamas Sarga                             Sárga Tamás
Make the world confused!                Zavard össze a világot!
Smile on monday morning!                Mosolyogj hétfő reggel!

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