Dave Nebinger <dnebinger <at> joat.com> writes:

> > Thanks for the scripts and help!

> That's what we're here for 

I did not use your scripts yet...today I'll implement them.

I recently set up an internal server for rsync and distfile distribution.
How do I check to ensure that this internal server actually was successful
at downloading the rsync files and the appropriate distfiles for the other

I followed part 4 of this document:

and these 3 documents:


I manually ran 'emerge -uDp world' today on both a client and the
sever. The client updated a few files, the server returned nothing to update.
I kept another p4 system using rsync and downloading the distfiles separate.

emerge -uDp world shows this file (among others) on the P4 system using the old
external update method:
[ebuild  NS   ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.12-r5

The new internal-AMD rsync/distfile server, issueing
'emerge -s gentoo-sources' shows:
      Latest version available: 2.6.12-r4
      Latest version installed: 2.6.12-r4

Is this evidence that the nightly updates, are not working on the
internal server?
Is there a simple test to determine if the updates are working
on the rsync and distfiles?

Did I miss something?

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