I'm quite desperate and have tried just about anything.
I'll try to explain it...

I connect to the net through eth0 and have a masquerading through eth1
to my other computers, using shorewall.
My server never had any problems of this kind and all was fine until a
couple of days ago. I'm experiencing some heavy packet loss when
pinging different hosts.
I have isolated the problem (at least I think I did) and got to the
conclusion that issuing a simple 'ifconfig eth1 down' and leaving eth0
up, the packet loss vanishes.
Tests were made with all services down (shorewall, sshd, apache2,
mysqld, proftpd, sendmail, ...) and with the network cable unplugged
from eth1 (so no traffic is being generated through eth1 that could
cause packet loss)
Here are the statistics:

- eth1 up -
# ping -c 200 google.com

--- google.com ping statistics ---
200 packets transmitted, 104 received, 48% packet loss, time 208227ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 152.388/229.520/2016.847/279.805 ms, pipe 3

- eth1 down -
# ping -c 200 google.com

--- google.com ping statistics ---
200 packets transmitted, 200 received, 0% packet loss, time 199175ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 147.197/169.978/193.949/8.384 ms

Both network cards are using the same chipset (RLT8139) loaded as a
module in the kernel (2.6.11-hardened-r13).
I have tried to replace the network card (with one also using RLT8139)
and changing it from IRQ but with no effect.
Please help, I've runned out of ideas...

Thanks in advance!
José Pedro

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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