On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 08:36 +0200, Richard Fish wrote: 
> Iain Buchanan wrote:
> >-install: applet not found
> >/init: 41: In: not found
> >/init: 45: cat: not found
> >/init: 150: sed: not found
> >  
> Apparently it is a problem with busybox configuration:
> >From another thread on this list less than 12 hours old:
> Zac Medico wrote:
> > It's not as bad as it looks.  I had the same problem.  You simply
> need to enable CONFIG_FEATURE_INSTALLER in the busybox config.  Then
> you can do "busybox --install" and it automatically creates hardlinks
> for all the enabled applets.

What busybox config? `equery files busybox` doesn't show any config
files for busybox.  I found the previous thread here
http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=gentoo-user&m=112127857419654&w=2 and
Zac suggested some different options:

> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /kernel-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r4n 
> root=/dev/hda11 video=vesafb:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> splash=verbose gentoo=nodevfs udev devfs=nomount
> initrd /initramfs-genkernel-x86-2.6.12-gentoo-r4n

but that didn't help either.

And why do I need to do a `busybox --install` ?? shouldn't this come up
in some emerge warning or be done by genkernel or something? I monitor
all the output from emerge with enotice, but I didn't see anything about

Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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