
Applogies for the cross-post. I'm unsure if this is and amd64 specific
problem or a more general b0rkage.

I've posted about my failing glibc emerges before:


I think I've narrowed it down to ldconfig running during the emerge. In
fact at the moment any time I run ldconfig it breaks the system so that
I cannot spawn any new shells (they segfault straight away). I can
restore my system by untaring a rescue glibc binary.

Can anyone give me any hints on how to diagnose the problem with
ldconfig and why things stop working when its done?

I'm currently building a parallel world on a second partition (in a
chrooted environment) to see if there are any differences between the
two setups (i.e a subtle breakage occured and was never picked up).

Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/
It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human
being. -- Benjamin Disraeli

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