At Sun, 17 Jul 2005 03:57:14 +0200 Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> William Kenworthy schreef:
>> If files have gone missing first step is fsck the disk just in case.
>> Next emerge sync if it works.  (dont use the fancy options until its
>> working again.)

Done.  Fsck clean.
Emerge --sync has repopulated /usr/portage ... but it gave an error at
the end.  Here is the tail of the output

     118600 files...
    Number of files: 118670
    Number of files transferred: 98725
    Total file size: 93601075 bytes
    Total transferred file size: 93601075 bytes
    Literal data: 93601075 bytes
    Matched data: 0 bytes
    File list size: 2882564
    Total bytes written: 1974681
    Total bytes read: 50760948

    wrote 1974681 bytes  read 50760948 bytes  259143.14 bytes/sec
    total size is 93601075  speedup is 1.77

    >>> Updating Portage cache:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 2705, in ?
        oldcat = portage.catsplit(cp_list[0])[0]
    IndexError: list index out of range
    ajglap ~ #

>> Whats "esync" ??  I wouldnt trust it until you know what happened.
> Esync is a part of gentoolkit-- it runs emerge sync and outputs or mails
> you the updated package list (new and upgradeable packages). It's really
> not dangerous in and of itself.

It also runs eupdatedb, which indexes the packages so that a subsequent
  esearch <package-name>
goes much faster than
  emerge --search <package-name>

> Isn't what happened that the sync failed before it was able to import
> the new portage tree, but after it had removed the old one?

That is my theory as well

> Afaics, this is one of those "head wound" kinda problems (bleeds a lot
> and looks very scary, but not as serious as it seems at first glance).

Great description.

Thank you both.

I am guessing that the the "updating portage cache" error is due
to the previous failed emerge --sync.
Hence I ran an
  emerge --metadata
This succeeded.  I then ran
which also succeeded.

Running both
  esearch portage
  emerge --ask portage
showed that portage was up to date so I then proceeded to

   emerge --tree --ask --verbose --newuse --update --deep world

which showed firefox, glibc, and a few others.

This is now chugging along successfully.

Thank you again; once once this group has proven to be one of the
great gentoo assets.

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