Daniel da Veiga wrote:
Thanks, I did some research and I've decided to get a 939 with an
a64fx 3500+ in an asus a8n sli deluxe,

I have 3200+ with a8n-sli deluxe, and I'm a little dissapointed
with that motherboard:

- terrible bios!
e.g.: you set memory frequency (ddr400), then change cpu-frequency,
and memory setting drops down to ddr266. It is almost impossible to
fix memory settings and work with cpu-frequency settings...

- layout far from being optimal
if you put long graphic card into peg-16x (gf6800), you will have
later problems with adding/removing memory chips. To remove/add
memory, you have to take out graphic card...

- 2nd lan-chip (Marwell 1Gbit) connected to pci (not pci-express)
why??? it is pci-express based mobo, so why 1gbit lan on pci???
btw, 1gbit = 128MB/s (+duplex), pci = 133 MB/s (single-channel),
so with 1Gbit lan pci must be pretty saturated...

- 2nd raid/sata again not on faster pci-express, but on old and
  slow pci! Why so many components on old pci???

- active nForce4 chipset-cooler terrible loud
it is some small cooler high-rpm fan without rpm-adjustment, which
I had to exchange after 2 weeks for passive Zalman.

Just my 2 cents. I have been using asus-products for about 7 years,
but I think asus is not the hardware-producer it used to be. Asus
still makes excelent mobo's for Intel, but its mobo's for AMD64
are... well, imho only "average". Nothing more, nothing less.
For the same (or lower) price you could get much better product...

If I would like to build a new comp today, I would probably go
with EpoX, DFI, Gigabyte or MSI motherboards...

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