On Monday 18 July 2005 10:17, Jorge Almeida wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2005, Zac Medico wrote:
> > Jorge Almeida wrote:
> >> I just emerged KDE, changing from the monolytic packages to the split
> >> ones.
> >> Now windows redrawing is painfully (and cas-ca-ding) slow.
> >> The problem seems to be the same as in
> >> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-344889-highlight-kde+slow+redraw.ht
> >>ml (but no answer there...)
> >> Any idea?
> >
> > First step to isolate this problem, I'd install a minimalist wm such as
> > x11-wm/openbox and see which apps I can reproduce the problem with there,
> > if any.
> >
> > Zac
> Not that easy. The problem is more visible when the desktop is filled
> with a Mozilla window and I change to this desktop. I would need a wm
> with virtual desktops and it had to be possible to change desktops via
> keyboard.

so, not kde, but mozilla is slow?
Slow redreaw of gtk is known.

Do you have enough ram?
If you need swap, kde is dead slow.
Is RenderAccel on?
Is KDE prelinked?
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