OK, I'm flummoxed. Have I just gotten lucky all these years? I
attempted to emerge a new glibc this morning and I cannot because it
completely fills my 2.7GB /var partition in the process and I end with
a 'no space on device' message! Obviously the emerge doesn't finish
and I'm left to clean up and ponder the meaning of such things. Prior
to starting the emerge the partition is about 30% full so it appears
that the build takes something like 2GB? Can this really be true?

What can I do to get around this? Should this build really take this
much space or is there possibly a bug here somewhere?

dragonfly ~ # emerge -pv glibc 
These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild     U ] sys-libs/glibc-2.3.5 [] -build -debug
-erandom -hardened (-multilib) +nls +nptl +nptlonly -pic (-selinux)
-userlocales 0 kB

Total size of downloads: 0 kB
dragonfly ~ #

There's probably a config option for where this work is done somewhere
else. What would I change to temporarily move the elsewhere if indeed
there is no bug.


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