Op di, 19-07-2005 te 20:44 +0200, schreef Patrick:
> Hi,
> I have a Samba domain with two XP Prof machines into it. With a new
> Windows XP Prof sp2 machine, i get this message if the user wants to
> logon:
> The system cannnot log you on due to the following error:
> A device attached to the system is not functioning.
> This is also if i want to use a existing account. Only with root i have
> no problems.
> Ofcourse the machine account exists.
> Anyone a idee wat i must change on the Windows machine ?

rivendell samba # tail log.valar
[2005/07/19 20:27:21, 1] smbd/service.c:close_cnum(836)
  valar ( closed connection to service profiles
[2005/07/19 20:27:46, 1] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:_net_sam_logon(766)
  _net_sam_logon: user ARDA\linda has user sid
   but group sid S-1-5-32-545.
  The conflicting domain portions are not supported for NETLOGON calls
[2005/07/19 20:27:57, 1] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:_net_sam_logon(766)
  _net_sam_logon: user ARDA\patrick has user sid
   but group sid S-1-5-32-545.
  The conflicting domain portions are not supported for NETLOGON calls

forgot to add my log.


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