On Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:57:47 -0700
"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I run a pretty stable system. I do however run ~x86 for KDE and Gnome.
> Something changed recently in an "emerge -Davu world" or "system" that
> causes X to not start anymore?

If you are not doing the script updates, then you are not running a stable 
system.  Please
do all the script updates, then reboot your system.

>       [0] -1  0       0x2a400000 - 0x2a7fffff (0x400000) MX[B]
> (--) PCI:*(1:0:0) nVidia Corporation unknown chipset (0x0185) rev 193, Mem @

Seems the driver you are running doesn't know which chip is on the Gfx card.
Perhaps you should add ~x86 to nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx.

FWIW - I have to restart X - ^ALTDEL, about 3 times to get a visible display 
                the nvidia driver - 7667, but that's due to the 6600GT I'm 
running.  Maybe
                they'll get a new bios out for it.  But once started it runs 
fine at 1280x1024.
                I even get 3D acceleration.

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