On 7/20/05, Richard Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> >Hi,
> >   I'm trying to get my mythfrontend box to allow a user to shut the
> >machine down without the use of a keyboard. We are only using remote
> >controls. suso doesn't seem to be an option because it requires a
> >password. (AFAICT)
> >
> >   Is there some other way that I could make this work?
> >
> >
> >
> 2 options:
> 1. Sudo can be setup to allow some commands to be run without a
> password.  I think this entry in /etc/sudoers should work:
> mythtv ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown

Yes, I have this working. My problem with this solution was slightly
deeper. To get MythTV to execute this command I have to put 'sudo
shutdown -h now' in a setup screen within the setup portion of
mythfrontend. In a general sense I don't know how to do that without a
keyboard being attached to the machine. So far I haven't found where
MythTV stores this information so that I could edit it from an ssh

Granted I can attach a keyboard for a few minutes when the machine is
here at my house, but I'm hesitant to use a solution that I cannot fix
via ssh when the machine is remote at my folks house.

> I have not tested this, so if something goes wrong, you'll have to try
> and figure out "man sudoers".
> 2. Create a setuid (chmod 4711 /sbin/shutdown_by_anyone.sh) shell script
> that runs shutdown.  Be sure to export the PATH, and unset LD_PRELOAD
> and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables at the very beginning of the script.  Also
> make sure the interpreter line is "/bin/bash --".  This doesn't fix all
> of the security holes with setuid shell scripts, just the most common
> and easiest to fix...

I don't know how this is much of a security issue for me, but then
again I don't know much about security, and I suppose it could be if
someone plugs a keyboard in and wants to cause some harm. Shame on
them, but good of you to consider it.


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