FWIW I've never had broadcast NIS work all that well in linux. Instead, I just list all my NIS server master/slaves.

On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Jim Hatfield wrote:

We have a Solaris based YP server.

On a fresh install I set /etc/yp.conf to:
domain insignia broadcast

and set NISDOMAIN to "insignia" in /etc/conf.d/domainname.

If I run "ypbind -debug" I get:

speyburn ~ # ypbind -debug
parsing config file
Trying entry: domain insignia broadcast
parsed domain 'insignia' broadcast
add_server() domain: insignia, broadcast
[Welcome to ypbind-mt, version 1.17.2]

do_broadcast() for domain 'insignia' is called
Answer for domain 'insignia' from server 'panther.internal.local'
leave do_broadcast() for domain 'insignia'
Pinging all active server.
Pinging all active server.

The YP server is correctly identified. I can ping it OK
in another window. However if I do a ypwhich in another
window I get:

speyburn ~ # ypwhich
can't yp_bind: Reason: Domain not bound

It doesn't make any difference if I use the "-broken-server"

This was working fine on the machine which failed and I'm
in the process of replacing, and I'm pretty sure I didn't
do any more than the above.

Bryan Whitehead
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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