I run in a virtual machine a gentoo (~x86) system. I synced the portage
tree at the weekend an run emerge --update
The update runs without errors, but emerge installed the gcc 4.3.4,
but on the system is the 4.4.3 installed
[ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-4.3.4 [4.4.3] USE="hardened mudflap nls
nptl openmp (-altivec) -bootstrap -build -doc (-fixed-point) -fortran -
gcj -gtk (-libffi) (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -nopie -
objc -objc++ -objc-gc -test -vanilla"
After the update I run "emerge --depclean" and the 4.3.4 is unmerged
and now
I run emerge --update the gcc should installed again
gcc-config -l shows only i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.4.3 whitch is set
gcc-version: gcc (Gentoo 4.4.3 p1.0) 4.4.3
and I mask only 2 packages
I run the kernel (kernel.org) and I don't use distcc at the
Can anybody help me to fix the gcc problem? I only need the 4.4.3 gcc