I'm following the steps/script in
http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Custom_Stage4 for making a custom Stage4.
 Though I haven't tried installing it, the make script seems to work
since it build a stage4.tar.bz2 that's 21 Gigs.

Before I use it I was wondering what directories I can exclude to make
it smaller.  I would prefer to have the stage4 know what packages are to
be installed without actually having the binary's in the stage4.tar.bz2
file.  That way I can run "emerge -uDN world" to get everything back.

For example open office is almost 10 Gigs, I would like to exclude that
and just about everything else I installed over the years, but have it
installed when I run the "emerge -uDN world" command.



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