On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 17:31 -0700, walt wrote:
> On 05/11/2010 12:53 AM, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>  > ...
> > I am at a point with evolution where I want 2.28 or 2.30
> > for exchange access so do I upgrade gnome to ~x86 (and work out any
> > kinks that will involve), do evolution only or wait?...
> I can predict that unmasking evolution alone is way too messy and
> painful to risk trying.  I'm just guessing about unmasking ~gnome on
> an x86 machine, but my gut feeling is that it may be less messy, but
> still not completely free of headaches (more informed opinions are
> requested, of course).
> My only semi-helpful idea for dilemmas like yours is to learn to use
> VirtualBox so you can run an unstable version of gentoo on your stable
> gentoo machine without risking any possible(probable) disasters. It's
> a great product and well worth your time to learn to use it, IMO.

I already use vbox (there are currently 3 Fedora instances running in
vbox vm's on the gentoo box I am using to type this att and then there
is vmware on my laptop for work uses and qemu at home - for Fedora and
windows on gentoo :), however, running another operating system just to
read exchange email/calendaring (work nonsense!) - might just as well
give up and run windows and outlook in a vm.  I am currently using
davmail to interface evo 2.26.3 to exchange and it works reasonably
well, but again I am hoping to use the advances in later evo versions to
go direct and not via a connector.


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